Friday, January 14, 2005

Evolve God dam you!

I used to be a Christian. Not a tub thumping, bible bashing, proselytizing Christian but more a quiet believer, who drew strength from the communion of faith. But life happend (I'll post some stories one day) and I started to question things. Then I got to spend some time in Israel, where even at the basilica over the site of the (supposed) birth of Christ the 3 christian faiths who jointly look after it cannot get on. They bicker constantly like teenage girls. After that I saw religion in a new very much more cynical light. I now consider organised religions to be nothing more than self serving cults. And, as there is no more passionate anti-smoker than one who once smoked, so it is with christians and former christians.

A particular dislike of mine is the way Jesus loving fundamental christians think they have the right to speak for all of us and to impose their values onto the greater population. A good axample of this is their complaining when the BBC screened Jerry Springer - The Opera last weekend. The BBC received 47,000 complaints before the programme was even shown. There's nothing like weighing up your opinion of the basis of the evidence is there? They are all sheep, bleating down the aisles, dropping their lovely fivers into the collection box as they go. After the show the BBC received 900 more complaints and 500 calls or emails of support. I felt like writing a letter to the Church Times with diagrams of all the UK's most popular makes of TV and big arrows pointing to the OFF buttons. As I don't especially like religion I stay out of church. I don't go to a church and moan afterwards that they talked a load of rubbish.

An equally good example is the debate over evolution. I've read many of the christian books and pamphlets debunking evolution and they all share one thing. They are all full of crap. Absolutelty stuffed with it. So it amazes me that there are still parts of the US where evolution is not taught. Not even as an alternative to creationism. Do you see what I mean? Aren't christians broad minded?
What are they scared of? How insecure in their faith must they be if they can do no better than stick their fingers in their ears and go 'la la la la la la' when their beliefs are questioned? So this story filled me with great joy. Text books in Atlanta schools have recently contained stickers saying

This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered.

Now these stickers are to be removed and science can be taught as just that - science. Science evolves just like (most) people. Theories come and go, opinions change. That's part of its fascination. It isn't dogma like religion. We know sod all about the nature of the universe really. Get a dozen physicists in a room and a fight is bound to start over something, but physics isn't taught with an overlay of "Well it's all just a lot of words isn't it? God holds the world together and orders the sun and the stars".

Let's try to keep god in the churches. I'll make my own choices and decisions thanks.


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