Thursday, January 13, 2005


So let's start as we mean to go on.

Harry says sorry for Nazi costume

Prince Harry has apologised for wearing a swastika armband to a friend's fancy dress party.

What on earth was he thinking?? I know they are a German family, but wearing Nazi memorabilia is frowned on over there now I'm led to believe. Here we have a guy who like it or not is in the public eye. He has led a life of immense comfort, wealth and privilege. At the expense of us tax payers. With all that comes responsibility, and one of those responsibilities must surely be not to go around offending people with thoughtless acts like this.

He was in the news a few years ago for smoking weed. So what? Most teenagers do and you won't find me condeming it. No hypocrisy on this website. Then last year he punched out at a press photographer. High spirits no doubt. Spirits were involved somewhere, though mainly of the sort favoured by his old gran and Aunty Marge.

But did somebody not say to him "Hang on Harry, what if you were to get photographed? The media will go crazy" Did he ignore the advice? Is he so stupid? And isn't he supposed to be joining the army soon? The elite Sandhurst college to (jack) boot. What an example.

Well anything that hastens the demise of the monarchy must, as far as I'm concerned be welcomed. One day I can be a citizen of Great Britain, rather than a subject of the United kingdom.

Oh and one more thing, when is somebody in the mainstream media going to have the balls to say "Hang on a moment, Prince Harry looks EXACTLY like James Hewitt"?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

a couple of things occured to me about this story.
First, I wasn't sure if I should care what some toff wears to a private party.
Second, the theme was Colonialism.... is there anything Harry could have worn that wouldn't have offended someone. Maybe he was trying to divert attention away from the fact that we (U.K.) raped and pillaged the world for hundreds of years until the Nazi's came along and established themselves as the ultimate bad guys!


11:18 am  

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