Saturday, January 15, 2005

Pour Speeling

The folks at one of the MBs on which I post know me as something of a spelling and grammar Nazi. I just can’t help it. Poor English winds me up like no other thing. Random use of there, their and they’re or the use of your when it should be you’re make me seethe with rage. My compact OED sits permanently by my computer even though I tend to write my posts in Word and copy them over. One day I’m going to find the £2,000 needed to buy the full 20 volume edition.
But I’m just never happy. I think every post on this site has been revised at least twice since going up as I’ve decided that a particular word here isn't quite right, or that a sentence structure there is a little awkward.

When I managed a team of pension review administrators, any CVs I received which contained even a single spelling mistake went straight into the bin regardless of the qualifications or other merits of the applicant. My favourite mistake was from an applicant for a junior position helping with the file management. I was looking for a school leaver whom I could mould into an image of myself. This particular girl had worked in McDonalds where she received something called “An Excellent Guest Service Award”. Sadly her CV stated that she had received and Excellent Guset Service Award. Lovin’ It I certainly was not.

So this is inexcusable. A Minnesota School Board sent out a brochure to parents which contained a glaring spelling mistake on the front page. THE FRONT PAGE!! The school superintendent said that “at least six pairs of eyes proofread the catalog, but no one caught the error.” As if that makes it any better. That makes it worse!!! The average IQ of that particular school board must be distinctly room temperature.

Incidentally as I’m drafting this in Word, the language set naturally enough to English(UK) the word calalog is glaring at me angrily.

It’s catalogue America, catalogue.

See me after the lesson.


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