Friday, January 14, 2005

Stop the spam

US state acts to stop 'spammers'

US state Texas has filed a lawsuit against two men believed to be among the world's top five spammers.
It is seeking millions of dollars in damages in a civil lawsuit filed earlier this week.

The Texas attorney general said it started the legal action as messages sent by the alleged spammers broke three laws governing e-mail marketing.

The company named in the lawsuit denied any wrongdoing and said it complied with all relevant laws.

Hurrah for Texas. Sadly, if the chaps are found guilty, the chances are they'll receive huge fines rather than prison terms. I suppose if they cannot afford the fines they may end up inside. We can hope. I'm not an expert on Texan prisons but I doubt they are the nicest of places, although I believe that is the point.

I'd be buying a 'soap on a rope' just in case.

All that build up for such a weak punchline. God i'm bored.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Texas is demanding millions in damages from spammers.... On what grounds?

Surely the likes of me and you are the ones who suffer the most from spammers. Do we all get a share of this bounty? Can I pick up a form from my local post office to let them know the extent of my pain. "I have a blister on my right index finger from having to press delete too often"


11:22 am  

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