Thursday, January 13, 2005


In case you live in a box or outside of the UK, Mark Th@tcher is the son of M@ggie, former British prime minister, and destroyer of all things good. He was recently arrested in his South African home for putting up some of the money for a (alleged) coup in Equatorial Guinea. Great thought I, that tosser will go to prison for a long time and the stress of it all might just kill is mother. (I know it’s wrong to wish the death of another human, so Mags, if you’re reading, only joking – deep down I love the way you systematically destroyed the infrastructure of the UK, privatised all the utilities effectively selling to the public something we already owned, put 4 million people on the dole and created a grubby, nasty, greed culture that is yet to fade. No seriously I do).

But in a strange turn of events a plea bargain has been agreed, and Mark coughs up US$500,000, receives a suspended sentence and is free to scoot off to his great big mansion in Florida.

You can read all about it here

Now, I’m not a lawyer, but my understanding of plea-bargaining is that an individual agrees to plead guilty to a lesser offence, manslaughter instead of murder for example, so that a conviction can be secured if the evidential standard required for the higher offence cannot be met. A chap called Nick du Toit is the fall guy for this scheme and has been sentenced to 34 years. From my background reading Mr de Toit had letters from “Scratcher” a whole heap of strong circumstantial evidence and a financial audit trail linking MT to the plot. MT is a wealthy man and I doubt his mum is short of a bob or two. A fine of US$500,000 to them is like me losing ten pence down the back of the sofa. So why this slap on the wrist? Does the web of the great British Establishment really stretch that far and wide? It seems to.


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