Thursday, March 17, 2005


There’s a load of guff in the newspapers and online today about the latest in chromosome research. It looks mainly at the X chromosome, of which women have two and us chaps have just the one. To make up for that we have a Y chromosome so that our lone X doesn’t get bored and start taking genomes apart to see what they look like inside. The upshot of the research is that females express more genes than men as an X chromosome has 1098 genes and a Y only 78. This is what makes men more vulnerable to genetic diseases and women less able to park cars.

For a more realistic example of the difference between men and women, I can do no better than this Bash quote……

.. friendship among women: she doesn't come home one night, and tells her bf that she spent the night with a female friend of hers. bf calls 10 of her friends, and none know a thing.
.. friendship amongst men: same thing happens. man says he spent the night at a friends place. gf calls 10 of his friends. 8 confirm he has been there, and the two others say he's still there.

That’s the brotherhood. Keep your genes.


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