Saturday, March 12, 2005

No I don’t want a new kitchen

My phone has rung 3 times in the last hour or so, and every one has been somebody trying to sell me something. I reckon about 75% of the calls I receive now are similar and it annoys me greatly. It probably happens to you and no doubt you find it equally annoying.

I rang the BT Nuisance Call line (0800 661 441) who advised me that there are two organisations you can register with which should reduce if not eliminate marketing calls.

The first is the Telephone Preference Service. You can call them on 0800 398 893, or you can register your number via their website.

The other organisation is Silent Call Guard. Their number is 0870 444 3969 and you simply have to key in your home number when prompted.

This has been a public service posting.


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