Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Obviously when the Conservative party talk about halting immigration, they don’t mean it to apply to those immigrants that they can exploit for their own nefarious activities.

Conservatives use 'cheap' migrant leafleters

Eastern European migrants allegedly earning less than the legal minimum wage are delivering Conservative Party leaflets in a key marginal constituency.

Despite conducting a high-profile campaign calling for tough controls on immigration, the Tories are using a company employing low-paid foreigners to distribute campaign literature.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please stop sides hurt from laughing...Is this a joke?!! If it isn't then brilliant, yet again the Tories do more to help the Labour & Lib Dem campaigns than the other parties could ever afford themselves!!

1:20 pm  
Blogger phylos said...

It's real enough. Click the link.
Am reminded of Mr Bush who made a big election speech last year about the disgraceful way US companies were outsourcing jobs to India then got terribly defensive when it was pointed out that the Republican party had outsourced its fund raising to a call centre in India.

1:43 pm  

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