Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Last post about the election. Probably.

I completely missed the battle in Tony Bliar's constituency where Reg Keys, father of one of the six Royal Military Policmen killed in Iraq in 2003, stood against the PM on an anti war platform. He polled 10.3% of the votes and was only 700 behind the Lib Dem candidate. You can read his open letter to Tony Blair here, and his speech after the count is here. Better than that though, you can watch him deliver the speech. Catch the shifty look on Tony's face. It's not the face of a man who is truly proud of his actions.

Now all the election data has been chewed and digested the call for electoral reform is getting louder. I'm only amazed it has taken so long. As a spotty faced teenager studying O level politics more than 20 years ago it was easy to fault the electoral system. It really is rubbish when the Tories polled 50,000 more votes in England than Labour but have 92 fewer seats. And just how legitimate is any government which polls only 36% of the total vote cast, barely 20% of the total electorate?

Make My Vote Count seem to be leading the charge. Pop on over to their website, sign the petition and begin the push towards a credible electoral system.

And finally, as well as re-shuffling his ministerial team, Bliar also tinkered with the ministries. We now have a Department of Productivity, Energy and Industry. Isn't that the most Stalinist sounding department ever? I look forward to their first Glorious Five-Year Plan with great enthusiasm.

Forward comrades. We have nothing to lose but our chains.


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