Sunday, May 29, 2005

ID cards scheme 'may cost £18bn'

New report by the London School of Economics says that the real cost of ID cards will be closer to £18 bill or £300 each.

One of the most astonishing sections of this report is the one that states "problems such as changing personal details and people refusing ID cards had not been factored in." So, £18,000,000,000 and there's no guarantee it will work.

Can we really trust the system to be secure if Labour have put so little thought into the basics of the scheme that they have not even had the brains to plan how details will be changed? Cos women get married all the time and change their names. And people move house quite alot I believe.

£18,000,000,000 for a security system which is beaten if you move house or get married. Can't we spend the money on education or the NHS?


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