Friday, July 22, 2005


Does this strike anyone as odd?

Man shot by armed police on Tube

A man has been shot at Stockwell Tube station by armed police officers, police confirm. Passengers were evacuated from a Tube train on the Northern Line station in south London after the incident. Passenger Mark Whitby told BBC News he had seen an Asian man shot five times by "plain-clothes police officers". Services on the Victoria and Northern lines have been suspended following a request by the police, London Underground said. Police are hunting four would-be bombers after Thursday's London blasts. The bombers fled after detonators went off, causing small blasts, but failed to detonate the bombs themselves.

Mr Whitby, told BBC News: "I saw an Asian guy run onto the train hotly pursued by three plain-clothes police officers. "One of them was carrying a black handgun - it looked like an automatic - they pushed him to the floor, bundled on top of him and unloaded five shots into him."

Passenger Briony Coetsee said: "We were on the Tube and then we suddenly heard someone say, 'Get out, get out' and then we heard gunshots."

Isn't it a strange that, rather than arrest the suspect and take him in for questioning, he is executed in this fashion? He had 3 bobbies sat on him - he wasn't going to get away. Couldn't he have valuable information on who is attacking London? Or is this the information being kept quiet?

Alternatively, if this guy had a bomb on him, why wasn't he shot the second it was realised he was a threat? Handguns have a range of greater than a few inches and wouldn't the police take the risk that one or two members of the public may get hit and killed to prevent a bomb exploding and killing many more? The public are collateral damage not 3 highly trained (expensively trained) undercover rozzers. You stop the threat as soon as you realise it is a threat. You don't chase a bomber - you kill him ASAP. It doesn't add up. They must have known he was not a threat yet they killed him anyway.


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