Saturday, July 16, 2005

How old are you really?

Following the success of their Test the Nation thing which allowed us all to work out our IQs, BBC1 are tonight showing Are You Younger Than You Think? This is a specially designed test which will quiz you on your lifestyle, what you eat, your family history and other factors to show your 'real' age. I don't have the patience to watch the show (why does every TV show now have to feature 'celebrities' and forced banter?) - it clashed with South Park anyway, so I've just taken the test on-line.

After preparing myself for the worst I have been nicely surprised by my result. My actual age is 38 years 1 month, my 'real' age is 38 years 5 months. Counting against me are factors such as smoking, my depression, my father dying at 46, a high BMI of 28.1, never exercising; counting for me are the fact I work full time, I relax enough, I eat well, my cats even. I'm quite chuffed really! So take the test and share your results.

The test reminded me of the death clock thingy which seems to have been on the internet since day 1. This one isn't all that optimistic, only giving me another 12 years, but this one, which asks more questions thinks I'll go on until January 2044 when I'll be 76. Time will tell.


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