Wednesday, August 17, 2005

At last

The mainstream wakes up to the truth with respect to Jean Charles de Menenzes, a truth many UK bloggers have been shouting about for several weeks.

The BBC now have a detailed account of what took place, as do Sky and ITV. The BBC also have a handy guide which looks at the discrepancies in detail.

One new fact has surprised even me - it would seem that the head of Scotland Yard Sir Ian Blair, called the Home Office soon after the shooting to request that the inquiry be delayed for a while. This is quite outrageous. There is a statutory duty upon the police to investigate all deaths by their hand and the sooner any investigation gets underway the better as memories are fresher, evidence easier to obtain etc.. What was Sir Ian hoping to achieve by delaying an enquiry? That it would be easier to cover it up if we all forgot about the matter? It stinks of a cover-up. Sir Ian really must go and now. It is proven that he lied when he gave his solemn press conference after de Menzes execution, he has no credibility and the citizens of London do not want a liar in charge of their police force. People called Blair do not have a good record when it comes to resigning after being proven to be liars though do they?

Least surprising piece of news now being reported?
Scotland Yard and the Home Office have so far said it would be inappropriate to comment.
Must be making sure their stories match.


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