Tuesday, August 23, 2005

If it's hurting, it's working?

Why do people resort to terrorism? What motivates people to kill, maim and otherwise harm their fellow men and women? Because it works?
Targeted guinea pig farm closes

A farm is to stop breeding guinea pigs for medical research after intimidation by animal rights activists. The family-run Darley Oaks Farm in Newchurch, Staffordshire, has been at the centre of a campaign of abuse.
Please don't think I'm making any moral judgments or valuations here - I'm not, I'm just posing a question. Many of the methods and tactics used by the ALF are totally unjustifiable, but ask yourself if they care about that tonight. No they don't, because they are out celebrating the success of their campaign. Would there have been a peace settlement in Northern Ireland without republican and loyalist terrorism? Would Israel be withdrawing from Gaza and parts of the West Bank if members of Hamas and other groups were not prepared to kill themselves and others in the name of their cause? But, to a greater or lesser extent, because of terrorism there is peace in Northern Ireland, Palestinians have territory to call their own and some animals will no longer suffer unnecessary abuse in the name of 'science'. Have the ends justified the means?

Remember, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. The winners write the official history, so Iran-Contra wasn't terrorism and Reagan was eulogised on his death. Reagan and his evil cohort Th@tch*r both called Nelson Mandela a terrorist. Is that how history will remember him? Whatever your view, there's no more apartheid in South Africa. The bombing of Dresden? Hiroshima? Vietnam? None of them were terrorism. It wasn't terrorism when Israel attacked the USS Liberty in 1967 because they are on 'our' side. Nor was it terrorism when the US invaded Panama or when the RAF bombed of Iraq prior to the war. I'm sure it won't be terrorism should the US invade Venezuela. But Iraqis resisting the occupation of their country? Arabs pushed to the limit by over 1,000 years of western meddling in their countries. Why, they're terrorists of course. And can't they sometimes be useful.


Blogger phylos said...

You find me another blog that discusses terrorism and Jessica Simpson's masculinity all within 8 hours. Where the crap is my head?

8:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're horrible. You may be interested in my article on the animal rights at www.samanthaburns.com

1:16 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where Can i get a list of animal rights activists address's? I want to start pestering them on behalf of the thousands of innocent people dying from so far incurable diseases, who may have a chance at a quality life if only scientists were allowed to carry on their life saving work.......

Shit, that would make me a terrorist wouldn't it..... damn!

Okay, give me a list of.... no sod it! Anyone that isn't already in my phone book doesn't count as a real person anyway, so you all better watch out!
......Except Miss Burns, she seems intelligent AND lovely.... wanna be in my phone book?

10:28 pm  

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