Monday, September 05, 2005

I've just spent the last hour or so looking at stories on WRH and other sites; I still really can't get my head round what is happening in New Orleans. Nevermind that Bush took a week to stage a visit, it was brave of him to go there at all following his 80% cut in flood defence funding, nevermind that the richest country in the world has had its emergency response shamed by Cuba's, it is the role of FEMA that baffles me. What on earth have they been doing? Has anyone woken up to the fact that maybe this organisation shouldn't be led by an incompetent fool, maybe shouldn't outsource all its work to unaccountable cronies? These idiots are also responsible (if that is the right word) for how the US would deal with another terrorist attack. Would a terrorist have given 48 hours notice? Something is indeed not right.

More analysis on the failure of Bush/FEMA here.

Via What Really Happened?


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