Thursday, September 29, 2005

Sorry seems to be the easiest word

So Mr Bliar has apologised to Walter Wolfgang the 82 year old thrown out of the Labour Party conference yesterday for heckling. It now transpires that when he was evicted, his pass was marked in some way on the security computer so that when he tried to re-enter he was arrested by police under the anti terrorism legislation. Mr Wolfgang was allowed back into the venue this morning and received something of a hero's welcome. Sadly Mr Bliar's humble sorry will not erase the pictures we all saw last night which so shame the former party of the people. The same cannot be said for 'old' Labour MP Austin Mitchell's camera, confiscated by a rozzer and wiped clean. What was Mr Mitchell photographing? People queuing for their passes. A security threat claimed the party, fear of a shambles being exposed claims Mr Mitchell.

I hope that those who believe the police and security services need more powers, believe ID cards will be a good thing are sitting up and re-thinking their position. The line (lie) they always use is that if you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear. Is an 82 year old man shouting at a minister doing something wrong? Does it merit arrest under the terrorism act? Austin Mitchell wasn't arrested or charged yet a policeman arbitrarily wiped pictures from his camera citing security as the reason. Wake up people. Britain is already beginning to resemble a police state. And you fools want the authorities to have more power? Wake up people and smell the fascism.


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