Gods and monsters
Bush: God told me to invade Iraq
President George Bush has claimed he was told by God to invade Iraq and attack Osama bin Laden's stronghold of Afghanistan as part of a divine mission to bring peace to the Middle East, security for Israel, and a state for the Palestinians. The President made the assertion during his first meeting with Palestinian leaders in June 2003, according to a BBC series which will be broadcast this month.
OK, so the White House have denied it, but does anyone believe anything that comes out of Scott McClellan’s mouth?
The Blues Brothers were on a mission from god. Bush is surely doing the devil's work. What sort of a god would approve of wholesale slaughter on either side of any conflict? It used to trouble me when I was in the RAF that ordained ministers of all faiths were prepared to join an armed force. Doesn’t violence go against the teachings of all religions? Is anyone else bothered by padres, chaplains or whatever holding services on the eve of battle, reassuring troops that god will watch over them? I just vision god up in heaven scratching his head and muttering darkly to himself “I’m sure I said something about not killing. Oh yes, here it is number six – thou shalt not kill. Hmmm. Those humans really don’t get it do they? I’m putting the dolphins in charge next time.” And it isn’t just the Christians. The Quran expressly forbids the killing of innocents, yet I’m sure Allah is invoked prior to every roadside bombing or suicide attack.
Organised religion is a poisonous cancer people. Ignore them all.
Bush: God told me to invade Iraq
President George Bush has claimed he was told by God to invade Iraq and attack Osama bin Laden's stronghold of Afghanistan as part of a divine mission to bring peace to the Middle East, security for Israel, and a state for the Palestinians. The President made the assertion during his first meeting with Palestinian leaders in June 2003, according to a BBC series which will be broadcast this month.
OK, so the White House have denied it, but does anyone believe anything that comes out of Scott McClellan’s mouth?
The Blues Brothers were on a mission from god. Bush is surely doing the devil's work. What sort of a god would approve of wholesale slaughter on either side of any conflict? It used to trouble me when I was in the RAF that ordained ministers of all faiths were prepared to join an armed force. Doesn’t violence go against the teachings of all religions? Is anyone else bothered by padres, chaplains or whatever holding services on the eve of battle, reassuring troops that god will watch over them? I just vision god up in heaven scratching his head and muttering darkly to himself “I’m sure I said something about not killing. Oh yes, here it is number six – thou shalt not kill. Hmmm. Those humans really don’t get it do they? I’m putting the dolphins in charge next time.” And it isn’t just the Christians. The Quran expressly forbids the killing of innocents, yet I’m sure Allah is invoked prior to every roadside bombing or suicide attack.
Organised religion is a poisonous cancer people. Ignore them all.
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