Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Here's an interesting story from Sky News.
Smoking While Car Sank

A barmaid who smoked a cigarette as her car sank into the sea died of hypothermia, an inquest has heard. Mother-of-two Helen Hogan drove her Astra estate off a ferry slipway in Poole, Dorset. Nearby anglers said the 30-year-old made no attempt to get out of her car after it sped into the water on Sunday night. Fisherman Mike Warren , 31, told the Daily Express: "I was going to jump in but changed my mind when I saw her light the cigarette.

"It was like she wanted to go."

Mrs Hogan, of Canford Road, Bournemouth, was pulled from the vehicle by coastguard crews but attempts to resuscitate her failed. The inquest heard she died in Poole Hospital at 2am on Monday.
So what would you have done? She clearly wanted to die, so did the angler 'do the right thing' by allowing this to happen? Or is life too precious to be ended on what may have been just a moment of bleak despair? Leave some thoughtful comments and I'll tell you a true story. Maybe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd have saved her...and you know why ;D

3:36 pm  
Blogger phylos said...


5:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have done my best to save her! even if she had mean't to do it, I don't think I could stand having it on my conscience to watch someone throw everything away!

Again, you know why! some of us ain't so lucky!


8:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okey Dokey, what about the story in the Metro today about the lady whho took an overdose in a suicide attempt. Her husband found her and did the obvious thing of phoning an ambulance. the ambulance took 30 mins to reach her and they didn't provide the right treatment. As such she her brain was starved of oxygene and she now has a memory span recorded in seconds. she has just succesfully sued the health service for a 6 figure sum.

Seeing as it was self inflicted, should she be due compensation...... Discuss.

9:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Groanbox Boys' song "Hobo Heaven" was inspired by Helen Hogan.


4:15 pm  

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