Monday, January 30, 2006

And another one...

Have just read, on the train back from reading, The Boy Who Kicked Pigs by Tom Baker. Yes, that Tom Baker. I really think you should all read it. It is as macabre as it is funny. A splendid combo.

The ‘topian isn’t in any danger of becoming nothing more that a record of what I’m listening to or reading, though I have been quiet for the last couple of weeks.

It’s all related to the new job. For the first time in a couple of years I find myself doing something that motivates me. Thus I’m not spending 6 hours a day online reading up on things to write about. I’m also now commuting to work on the train which I find a million times less stressful than commuting by car. I find driving very unpleasant. There is no courtesy on the roads anymore. You get tail gated if you dare to drive at the speed limit, people are always trying to cut you up or overtake, it’s a horrid experience. So I now find myself getting home from work relaxed and not in the mood for a great rant.

I’m sure normal service will be resumed soon. In the meantime, you’ll have to put up with a chilled phylos. Enjoy it, we haven’t got long.


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