The Lib Dumbs
Although it is only 7th January, the Backstabbing Bastards award for 2007 goes to Liberal Democrap parliamentary party, who despite the fact that he led them to their best election results for several generations only 7 months ago, have decided to dump and dump on Charles.
Kennedy has been criticised for being a liar, having persistently denied a drink problem since the rumours started 18 or so months ago. But a lying politician is hardly a newsflash is it? Bliar lied to take us into a war, yet retained the support of the majority of his party and indeed the country. Denial is a feature of alcoholism and Kennedy lied primarily to protect his personal life. I think there's a difference. Neither is a drink problem unique to Mr Kennedy. Churchill certainly liked a drop, but he did OK didn't he?
For whatever reason, Lib Dem MPs have gone against the wishes of the party membership and exposed themselves as a devious, untrustworth bunch of scoundrels. In doing so they may well have harmed 3 party politics in Britain. The Liberal party is supposed to be the one that does things differently, the ones who would break the mould. They've shown themselves to be nothing of the sort. I want my vote back.
Embattled Kennedy quits as leaderWhen Kennedy confessed to having a drink problem on Thursday, he also announced that he was calling a leadership election, challenging those who have been sniping behind his back to stand up and be counted. No one did so. Instead, they upped their whispering, their plotting, their cowardice and forced their leader out of office.
Charles Kennedy has resigned as Liberal Democrat leader.
In a statement at Lib Dem HQ, Mr Kennedy said he had been "inundated" with support from party members since admitting having a drink problem. But he had decided to quit immediately because it had become clear he did not have strong enough support among MPs.
Kennedy has been criticised for being a liar, having persistently denied a drink problem since the rumours started 18 or so months ago. But a lying politician is hardly a newsflash is it? Bliar lied to take us into a war, yet retained the support of the majority of his party and indeed the country. Denial is a feature of alcoholism and Kennedy lied primarily to protect his personal life. I think there's a difference. Neither is a drink problem unique to Mr Kennedy. Churchill certainly liked a drop, but he did OK didn't he?
For whatever reason, Lib Dem MPs have gone against the wishes of the party membership and exposed themselves as a devious, untrustworth bunch of scoundrels. In doing so they may well have harmed 3 party politics in Britain. The Liberal party is supposed to be the one that does things differently, the ones who would break the mould. They've shown themselves to be nothing of the sort. I want my vote back.
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