Wednesday, September 13, 2006

So. Where were we?

Let’s restart this thing gently shall we?


Bostin’. And better than people. Every time I think I have the measure of humanity, just as I begin to stoke my chin and nod in a sagacious fashion, the table gets turned on me and it’s back to bewilderment. Befuddlement even. Oh yes.

Steve Irwin, many of you will know, died last week. Killed by a stingray in a freak accident. Some Australians seem to be taking their revenge on stingrays in a most facile, ignorant way. Thoroughly depressing.

But all is not doom. I am thrilled to see that a months after it was first published “Sudan man forced to ‘marry’ goat” is still among the top 5 emailed stories over at BBC News. Thank-you.

So. So, so, so … I needed a sabbatical. I like late summer. Warm but not hot. Hazy evenings, warm beer, the leaves slowly turning gold. Down time. Minimal human contact, just work and poker. Me time. Not that I’ve had demons to fight for a change, but just because I needed some solitude. Try it. What’s the worst that could happen? You might go mad. Do you deserve to be sane?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to have you back mister phylos!

10:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tho i hate to admit it, i've got to agree! The on-line experience has not been the same!

Welcome bad me ol mate!

10:13 pm  

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