Friday, September 15, 2006

The Pope is an idiot

Oh yes he is.

Muslim anger grows at Pope speech

A statement from the Vatican has failed to quell criticism of Pope Benedict XVI from Muslim leaders, after he made a speech about the concept of holy war. Speaking in Germany, the Pope quoted a 14th Century Christian emperor who said Muhammad had brought the world only "evil and inhuman" things.

So, what were the Catholic church up to in the 14th century? Was it the inquisition? I think it was. Was the inquisition a celebration of joy and godly love? Or could the inquisition also be described as "evil and inhuman"? Take the plank out of your own eye matey.

I did find one bit of good news though.

Nun tried to kill priest after finding him in bed with another woman

A jealous nun appeared in court charged with threats to kill and an arson attack on a priest's house - after she caught him in bed with a married woman. Sister Silvia Gomes De Sousa, 39, saw red and set fire to Father Carmelo Mantarro's house after she nabbed him 'in flagrante.'

Nice to see a Catholic priest in bed with a woman for a change.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

motherfucker Christian Fuck Jesust

12:38 pm  

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