Tuesday, March 06, 2007


What manner of evil is this??
BBC Ban Blair!

The BBC have banned the hit single War, which features a Tony Blair lookalike in the accompanying video, over fears that its pro-peace message will offend the government.

The BBC Radio One Newsbeat programme was due to record a package about the single today, but pulled out at the last minute, claiming that the record was 'not newsworthy'. However, sources at the highest level within the BBC have privately confirmed that a banning order has been instituted.
This just reeks of pusillanimous, post Hutton timidity. Is this the same BBC that broadcast Cathy Come Home? The same BBC that delighted in winding up Thatch and her evil cohorts, leading to several of them walking out of interviews at various times. This is beneath them and shows that they are no longer an independently minded, progressive organisation but a bitch to the controlling, centralist state power.

I have no interest in the song really but you can be damn sure I’ll download it now so that we can get it to the top of the ‘hit parade’ as I believe it is known amongst the kids.

Blair knows he has to go soon and simply wants to go out on a high. He’s desperate that nothing cloud his few remaining weeks in power and that includes stifling anything that draws attention to the massive blot on his record – the war in Iraq. Isn't going to happen though is it? Anyway, fuck him.

Have a giggle on me.

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Blogger phylos said...

Better version of the video here...


8:22 am  

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