Round Up
So Bush made another speech on Tuesday. It was supposed to be about Iraq; the mess he's got himself (and the rest of us) into and many hoped he would outline an exit strategy. Oddest thing happened though. He mentioned 9/11 five times. Surely there are as yet undiscovered tribes of people living in the Amazon rain forest who know that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11. That's right isn't it? But Bush trotted out the old lie. Astonishing arrogance. And it no doubt went down a storm with the mouth breathing Republicans. Luckily, there seems to be much more of a backlash elsewhere.
The Guardian report that leading Democrats yesterday reacted angrily to President George Bush's address to the nation, accusing him of "exploiting the sacred ground" of September 11 by attempting to link the Iraq war with the terrorist attacks.
On CNN, their anchor Carol Costello challenged Republican Robin Hayes when he repeated the same tired lie.
Carol Costello: President Bush said in his speech, "We're there to fight terrorists." But he failed to explain how a war to remove a dictator bent on using nuclear weapons has turned into a fight against Muslim militants. Doesn't he owe us an explanation?It's a shame Fox News don't exercise the same standards as this transcript shows. Charles Rangel is 'debating' Iraq with Sean Hannity.
Rep. Robin Hayes: He gave us a very good explanation of what the war's about. It's winning the war against terror and people who would kill us, innocent woman and children. This is about a military action against ruthless, brutal killers who have no conscience whatsoever about destroying us.
Costello: We understand that, but that's not what it started out [as], when the United States invaded Iraq. It's changed, hasn't it?
Hayes: I don't think it's changed at all. It's very clear that terrorists are connected to what Saddam Hussein was all about. That again faces us as the most severe threat going forward.
Costello: But there is no evidence that Saddam Hussein was connected, in any way, to al Qaeda.
Hayes: Ma'am, I'm sorry but you're mistaken. There is evidence everywhere. We get access to it. Unfortunately, others don't. But the evidence is very clear.
Costello: What evidence is there?
Hayes: The connection between individuals who are connected to Saddam Hussein, folks who worked for him. We've seen it time and time again. But the issue is, where are we now? Nobody disputes 9/11. They would do that again, if not prevented. Preventing 9/11 wherever it might happen in America, winning the war overseas, not bringing it here to our shores is the issue in that regard.
Costello: Are you saying that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11?
Hayes: I'm saying that Saddam Hussein -- and I think you're losing track of what we are talking about here -- Saddam Hussein and people like him were very much involved in 9/11. Did he make a phone call [trail off] ...
Costello: There's no evidence of that.
Hayes: I'm sorry you haven't looked in the right places.
Costello: I must not have. Because I know of no evidence connecting Saddam Hussein to Osama bin Laden or al Qaeda ...
RANGEL: He already intended to knock off Saddam Hussein before 9/11, all of the people that worked in the cabinet....Note the fair and balanced ending there. Rangel makes a hugely valid and proven point about the invasion being planned prior to 9/11 and is then cut off to prevent any off message content polluting the Fox airwaves.
HANNITY: Is that what you believe? Wait do you believe that?
RANGEL: Do you know about the Project Of A New American Century?
HANNITY: Do you believe that?
RANGEL: There's no question.
HANNITY: That's a conspiracy theory.
HANNITY: Hey Congressman Rangel, we'd like to thank you for the conspiracy theory portion of the show.
RANGEL: Conspiracy is what you said, I'm saying the president wanted to knock off Saddam Hussein before 9/11.
HANNITY: Alright we appreciate it, next time we'll get some evidence.
Finally, French Blogger Pascal Riché has condensed Mr Bush's speech to reveal the key points.
“Global war on terror, September the 11th, 2001, terrorists, terrorists , totalitarian ideology , freedom, tyranny, oppression, terror, kill, terrorists, September the 11th, freedom, enemy , war, terrorists, kill, murderous ideology , terrorism, terrorists, free nation, war on terror, freedom, violence and instability, dangerous, violence, bloodshed, violence, sacrifice , war on terror, violence, killers, freedom, criminal elements, hateful ideology, freedom, liberty, democracy, terrorists, war on terror, terrorists, Osama Bin Laden, murder and destruction, enemy, terrorists, car bombs, enemy, terrorists, suicide bomber, enemy, terrorists, violence, terrorists, terrorists, terrorists , freedom, enemies, September the 11th, Bin Laden, enemy , free, tyranny, terrorists, anti-terrorist, free, al Qaeda, free nation, terrorists, terrorists, enemy security terrorists, anti-terrorist terrorists, terror, enemy, tyranny , enemies, freedom, freedom, ideologies of murder, atrocity, September the 11th 2001, car bombers and assassins, freedom, freedom, flying the flag, freedom, freedom, September the 11th 2001, enemies”Hope that's made it clear.
The ID card legislation returned to the House fo Commons on Tuesday and the government's majority was cut from 67 to 31. It was expected that the rebellion would grow, but The Guardian reports this morning that the left wing Campaign group of MPs is offering a compromise to Bliar. What a bunch of spineless toads. The article quotes one ex minister as saying
Most critics are merely dubious about the cost (up to £19bn on some estimates), the technical feasibility and security, and the scope of the proposed databaseWhat a load of crap. He appears to be saying that people are only worried about if they will work, how they will work, and what the cost might be. Is there much else to worry about?
Finally, recent Olsen hunters have come from
Network Of City Council Essen Germany
Banque Nationale de Paris
Community Hospitals, Indianapolis
Grace Maternity Hospital, Halifax, Canada x2
University Of South Carolina
Art Institute Of Chicago
Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Austrian School Network, Salzburg